Book a Course Consultation and Audition!
The Bachelor of Communication (Theatre Media) application process includes a compulsory audition. This is to enable us to judge if you will enjoy working collaboratively with others on theatre, performance and digital media projects. You belong in this course if you have an interest in performance or any other skills which are needed to create performance works. (e.g. stage design, direction, script writing or theatre devising, technical production, stage managing, production managing, lighting, sound design, AV/digital design)
Part 1 – About you
This involves some basic introductory information about who you are and your interest in the Theatre Media course.
Part 2 – Video Submission
You can create your digital video submission however you like. You can film yourself on your phone, from your computer or record yourself in Zoom. Whatever technology you are familiar with will be suitable. You are free to edit your video if you like but this isn’t necessary. We just want to get a feel for who you are.
Part 3 – Optional Portfolio
We understand that the skills that you could bring to the Theatre Media course are diverse. If you would like to submit supplementary work as a portfolio, we would love to see it. Please feel free to attach a portfolio file to your submission OR to provide a link to an online portfolio of work
Parts 1, 2 and 3 are submitted all at once via a Digital Form. This form must be submitted two days prior to your intended Zoom booking date. Auditions will be accepted through until mid-February 2021
Part 4 – Zoom Interview
Zoom sessions facilitate dialogue and allow you to share your creative ideas, meet the staff and other interested applicants. You will also have the chance to chat to a couple of current Theatre Media students
It is expected that you attend one of these group Zoom sessions:
Wednesday 25th November @ 11am
Tuesday 22nd December @ 11am
Tuesday 19th January @ 11am
Wednesday 10th February @ 11am
To book, please select a timeslot from the below calendar
Make your Zoom Interview Booking
What is required for your Video Submission?
You can create your digital video submission however you like. You can film yourself on your phone, from your computer or record yourself in Zoom. Whatever technology you are familiar with will be suitable. You are free to edit your video if you like but this isn’t necessary. We just want to get a feel for who you are.
Your Video Submission should include:
- An individual performance (2-3mins)
This may be a monologue piece or a characterised rehearsed reading from a script.
If you haven’t learnt the lines by heart, that is okay, just give it a go.
Applicants will be assessed on the following criteria:
• Audition pieces
• Physical presence
• Focus
• Vocal Delivery
• Other associated skills and apparent assets to the course
Need help?
No problems! Send us an email by completing the fields below or give us a call on (02) 6933 2473
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